NAP Educational Foundation
NAP Educational Foundation

NAP Educational Foundation

213 South Main Street

Independence, Missouri 64050-3808


Phone: 816-833-3892


Foundation Scholarships and Grants




The goal of NAP Educational Foundation (NAPEF) grants is to support the use of parliamentary procedure in promoting effective, fair, and democratic decision-making.

NAPEF funds projects that will enhance and increase parliamentary education for both non-parliamentary and parliamentary organizations/individuals by making opportunities available for production of professional parliamentary materials, services, and events.

Examples of the types of initiatives that may be funded by NAPEF grants include:

  • Production of educational materials and books to help advance the study of parliamentary procedure.
  • Development and delivery of online programs such as webinars and on-demand courses in parliamentary procedure.
  • Creation or improvement of educational programs such as credentialing and certificate programs.

NAPEF grants are available to NAP committees and districts (after approval by the NAP board), as well as NAP associations and units. Other groups involved in parliamentary procedure education may also apply.


GRANTS AWARDED 2020 - 2021

  • NAP Educational Resources                         $27,500
  • NAP 2020 Virtual Conference                      $10,000
  • NAP 2021 Virtual Conference                         $7,500
  • San Antonio, Texas Parliamentary Institute $2,000
NAPEF Grant Application
Download, complete and submit grant application to NAPEF.

Applicants submitting grant applications to the NAPEF must submit their applications reasonably in advance of the date for which the project to be supported by the NAPEF is to take effect, but in no event less than 3 full months prior to the proposed effective date of the project, i.e. when it is to take effect.

NAPEF cannot guarantee it will determine each application and respond to each applicant not less than one month before the proposed effective date of the project in question. However, it is the intention of NAPEF to do so, and to notify each applicant of the decision within the time frame noted here.
NAPEF Grant Application Form.docx
Microsoft Word document [17.0 KB]
NAPEF Grant Application Evaluation Worksheet
Please review this document to understand how your grant application will be evaluated.
NAPEF Grant Application Evaluation Woksh[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [678.4 KB]




The NAPEF Scholarship (formerly the Young Professional Dues Scholarship) is an award to support NAP members between the ages of 24 and 40. The scholarship funds NAP and Association dues for one year; tuition for a course with NAP University; or fees for parliamentary courses resulting in awarding of RP or PRP credentials or renewal of PRP credentials. Deadline is November 1 of each year.

NAPEF Scholarship (formerly the Young Professionals Scholarship) Information Sheet
The information sheet explains the purpose, eligibility, and application procedures for this scholarship.
NAPEF Scholarship Information Sheet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [50.5 KB]
NAPEF (formerly the Young Professionals) Scholarship Application
Download this application form, complete, and return to NAPEF by November 1.
NAPEF Scholarship Form final.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [95.2 KB]

The alice ragona memorial dues scholarship 

The Alice Ragona Memorial Dues Scholarship is an award to support NAP members 23 years of age or less who have been actively involved in studying and promoting parliamentary procedure. The scholarship funds NAP and Association dues for one year or reimburses cost for successful completion of the NAP membership exam. Deadline is November 1 of each year.

Alice Ragona Memorial Scholarship Information Sheet
Read about the purpose, eligibility, and application process.
Alice Ragona Memorial Dues Scholarship I[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [51.2 KB]
Alice Ragona Memorial Scholarship Application
Download, complete, and submit this application form by November 1 to be consideration for the dues scholarship for the upcoming membership year.
Alice Ragona Scholarship Application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [112.8 KB]

The viola f. brannen memorial scholarship

The Viola F. Brannen Scholarship is an award given to NAP Members to attend in person the National Training Conference (NTC) or the NAP Biennial Convention. This scholarship is for registration fees only.  Applications are accepted until August 1 of each year.

Viola F. Brannen Memorial Scholarship Information
Read about the purpose, eligibility, and application process.
Viola F. Brannen Memorial Scholarship In[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [209.3 KB]
Viola F. Brannen Memorial Scholarship Application Form
Download, complete, and submit this application form by August 1.
Viola F. Brannen Memorial Scholarship Ap[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [217.8 KB]
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